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Top 10 Top Fall Foods to Make This Season

An overhead shot of fall desserts.

As the leaves change and temperatures cool down, it’s time to cozy up with all of the fall foods that Mother Nature gives us this time of year. Here are 10 veggies, fruits, and spices to pick up on your next shopping outing, as well as fall recipes to help you make the most of them.

1. Apples & Fall Crockpot Recipes

These are at the top of our list for a reason — everybody loves them! There’s almost no end to the fall foods you can make with apples, especially when you bust out your crockpot. On the sweeter side, this is the time to make your own apple butter to spread on biscuits or toast. But if you’re looking for something savory, check out this tomato apple chutney recipe.

2. Pumpkin Desserts From Easy to Challenging

What’s fall without pumpkins? Besides being packed with vitamins and minerals, pumpkin is also relatively low in calories. That is until you turn it into pie or some other yummy dessert. We think it’s worth the splurge — and here are two recipes that prove it. If you’re up for a challenge, this Pumpkin Charlotte Royal will be the star of any get-together. Looking for a quick fall recipe? Combine a box of yellow cake mix, a can of pumpkin puree, and a bag of dark chocolate chips in a bowl and mix. Pour into lined muffin tins and bake at 350 degrees for 15-17 minutes. 

3. Sauteeéd Mushrooms

Mushrooms offer an earthy flavor, perfect for warm, cozy fall dinners. Plus, they’re one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. Mushroom lovers are known for just throwing them in a pan with a bit of butter, but you can take your sauteé game to a new level with this Superb Sauteed Mushrooms recipe that brings garlic, teriyaki sauce, and a bit of red wine to the table. 

4. You Will Love Brussels Sprouts

You might not actually hate Brussels sprouts. You just hate the way your mom made them, which was probably by boiling frozen sprouts and mixing them with margarine. Roasting fresh sprouts in olive oil is an entirely different story — and it’s as simple as trimming the ends, tossing them in a bit of olive oil on a baking sheet with Parmesan and garlic, and throwing the tray into the oven until they begin to caramelize on the outside. Here’s a recipe, The Best Brussels Sprouts of Your Life, if you want specifics. 

5. Super Easy Grape Pie

Concord grapes are only available in the fall, so you have to enjoy them while you can. One of the best ways to do so is to make a pie. We like this grape pie recipe because you don’t have to make a pie crust — and it allows the flavor of the grapes to shine. The hardest part is slipping the grapes from their skins. 

6. Count on Cauliflower

Cauliflower has made its way into the hearts of many as an alternative to carb-heavy meals. But cauliflower can be enjoyed on its own, without being disguised as “rice” or pizza crust. Aficionados know that simply roasting cauliflower gives it such a nice crisp that you’d almost call it a snack — and air fryers result in even more crispiness. Here’s a simple fall recipe to show you how it’s done (skip the turmeric or paprika if you prefer.)

7. Ginger Fall Dinner Recipes

Tea, cookies, and nausea relief — that’s all most of us know about ginger. But if you like this herb’s kick, you can create sensational fall dinners. Here are two of our favorite fall foods to make with ginger — orzo with caramelized fall vegetables and ginger and ginger garlic shrimp with tangy tomato sauce

8. Squash Fall Soup Recipes

You know it’s fall when you find yourself slurping up a warm bowl of butternut squash soup. Here’s a healthy version with no dairy. And here’s a traditional version by The Pioneer Woman that uses a full cup of heavy cream and is topped with diced apple and crumbled bacon. Who are we to judge?

9. Sweet on Sweet Potatoes

Are you sensing a theme here? Fall vegetables are delicious when simply roasted with a bit of olive oil. Here’s a classic recipe for roasted sweet potato fries. But if you’re looking to invest more time in your sweet potatoes, sweet potato biscuits are the way to go. Top them with butter or a bit of local honey for the perfect fall snack.

10. Fall Foods to Make With Fresh Cranberries

Every year, you see that pretty bag of cranberries in the grocery store, but just about every recipe you find calls for dried cranberries. No worries; we’ve found the best fall recipes using real fresh cranberries. Fresh cranberry bars with oat crumble topping make a perfect fall snack. You can also just throw the cranberries in a smoothie. But if you’re looking for over-the-top fall flavor, check out these pumpkin-cranberry scones. A bonus: Many experts classify cranberries as a superfood thanks to its high antioxidant content and potential boost to the gut microbiome. 

Fall Foods & More at Meadow Lakes

The culinary team at Meadow Lakes ensures that the freshest ingredients are used in each dish. Our rotating menus feature seasonal offerings, so nutrition and quality truly make our food stand apart. The other thing that stands out at Meadow Lakes is our 103 tree-filled acres, which have been an internationally recognized arboretum since 2005. We’d love for you to join us for a meal while on a personal tour of our campus in East Windsor, New Jersey, which you can schedule right here

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